Hello New Year!

Farewell 2015! It’s been a helluva ride, but I’m excited to put this year behind me and start fresh!

New Years Blog
In the past year I have had the chance to really put time into soul-searching and finding direction in my life. While I still have a long way to go, I feel that I am on the right track! I have developed a better plan for finishing my undergrad, and I have a few potential graduate schools I would love to get accepted to! This past summer I began reaching out to become more involved in my community. Unfortunately this was a rough start – as many organizations in the area are short staffed and it’s difficult to get follow through. But I stayed on track and have joined a young professional group with plans to join their “Get Out and Vote” committee and possibly another one, a steering committee for the United Way, and I was also asked to join the board for Mental Health America in Northwest Arkansas. This last one was a surprise! I had originally reached out to the board president when I thought I’d be moving to that area in October. However even though I don’t plan to move until this coming summer, they still want me to be a part! I’m so excited for these opportunities to network, to make connections that could possibly last a lifetime, and to make a difference in the communities Continue reading