Fragile Bird – City & Colour

Fragile Bird Lyrics

I’ve been on a bit of a music kick lately (more than usual) and I have decided to try sharing a few each week. These songs have been a rock for me when I am down.  One of my favorite quotes is “Medicine heals the body, but music heals the soul.” There is something unexplainable about just putting on your headphones, laying in bed, and drowning out the world with lyrics that speak what you cannot.

Many times I have told friends, family, especially someone I am dating, that the best way to get to know me is to listen to my music. The raw, unbridled emotion that comes through on each playlist will tell you more about me than a conversation ever could!

Helping From a Distance – Paris

In memory of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s “Dream” speech, let freedom ring for EVERYONE! SHARE this if you will NEVER BE SILENT about animal abuse! Photo Credit: © Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals

Since when did changing my Facebook picture actually help change the world?

Since when did liking a status or sharing a photo save someone’s life?

What about typing a prayer to post online, so that everyone knows you are praying?

I understand, when a tragedy this great occurs we look for hope and compassion anywhere it could possibly be found. I cannot begin to fathom the pain and horror of the events that happened last week. Along with thousands of others, I scour my Facebook, Twitter, and other social media looking for news to piece these events together and find answers.  I search for any way that I can help, any way to bring peace to those who are hurting.

What frustrated me with this is how it took this event in Paris to get us fired up about ISIS. Just as when the 9/11 attacks motivated us to go after Al Qaeda. The reality is that this state of terror and horror takes place in the Middle East EVERY DAY but we continue to turn a blind eye to it. We only care when it inconveniences us!

We only want to help when it doesn’t truly inconvenience us. We want to help from a distance, to not actually ‘get our hands dirty’. We enact the “Not my backyard” phenomenon. We would rather change the color of our profile picture for attention than quietly help someone in need.

Many states in America are saying they will refuse any refugees. Turning away thousands who are fleeing war, searching for their new place in this world, thousands who for once in their lives just want to know peace.

By no means am I an expert on Islam. But what I have researched, there are many similarities between it and Christianity. Particularly in regards to respecting those of other religions. In many respects, they are more peaceful than modern American Christians. We must analyze our own religions as harshly as we do Islam, if we did we would realize that we are not all that different. There are radical Christians just as there are radical Muslims. But that doesn’t keep us from practicing Christianity. I am a Christian, but I do not practice hate. I do not believe in judging and persecuting those who do not believe exactly as I believe.

We are all human, we all must help each other regardless of race, religion, disability, or anything else that may make us “different”.




Be Here Now – Ray Lamontagne

I just wanted to share the lyrics to a song that has been a staple in my life for several years. This genre may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but if you focus on his voice, and the lyrics, there is so much emotion and meaning behind this song. I actually have these on a canvas in my room to see every day. It is such a great reminder to focus on the here and now, to not let the anxiety of the future or regrets of the past bring you down! I also posted the link to the YouTube video below.

