
First of all, thank you for checking out my blog! I hope that it will offer some encouragement, hope, or even just let you know that you are not alone in your struggles!

I work for a non-profit in Northwest Arkansas where I call home with my boyfriend, our two dogs, and three cats!

I began writing this blog as a way to work out the struggles I deal with on a daily basis. I struggle with depression and PTSD from a ‘not so great’ childhood. While I strive to move beyond my past, it does affect the choices I make each and every day. A Beautiful Catastrophe consists of the positive things happening in my life, a few crafts here and there – they help me relax, and mostly details of the struggles I face. It has been a form of therapy for me, a way to cope. It has helped me to find my voice and to get my story out there. I want to share my struggles as well as my accomplishments. If I can help just one person, it will all be worth it. I want to share that our labels do not define us, they do not control us. Each of us has the power to create a life that is all our own. So here I am…..Thank you for reading!

I am always looking for guest-writers, so if you have something to contribute, please do not hesitate to reach out!

13 thoughts on “About

  1. Thanks for sharing your blog’s link on community pool, it is too good and your all the posts are also well written, whenever you have spare time please feel free to visit my blog.
    Wishing you all the best……………………….

      • Thanks for subscribing my blog,I truly appreciate your this wonderful, warmth, kind and very friendly gesture, to strengthen, to sustain our this blogging journey forever today, I too have subscribed for your blog, so, now we are official friends, let us enjoy, explore and experience the true joy of friendship.
        When can I expect your presence on my blog.
        Eagerly awaiting to welcome my new friend.
        Wishing you all the best……………………

  2. Hi! I too blog to share the story of my depression, and the hope I have that eventually got me through many episodes over seven years. I think lots of mental health bloggers want to share stories, successes and things that didn’t work. Good days and bad days. I only started blogging in January, and want to be more consistent. I’m retaking Blogging 101 for that purpose. Nice to meet you!

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